Year 1: Archives -- Keynote event

The Times of AIDS Cultural Production: Film Screening and Conversation with Dr. Alexandra Juhasz and Theodore Kerr

Thursday April 4, 2024, 4:00 - 5:00 pm

Knowledge of AIDS network year 1 workshop keynote event

Petersen room, Allen Library North

University of Washington, Seattle

Join authors and KOA participants Dr. Alexandra Juhasz and Theodore (ted) Kerr as they discuss the role of time and cultural production amid the ongoing HIV response as explored in their book We Are Having This Conversation Now: The Times of AIDS Cultural Production (2022, Duke University Press). The event will include a screening of I Want to Leave a Legacy: The video/activism of Juanita Mohammed Szczepanski (20:41, Juanita Szczepanski and Alexandra Juhasz, 2023). Together Juhasz and Kerr will dive into the many values of memorial, and uses of their own and uses of their own “times of AIDS, ” as method to witness, honor, make use of, and learn from the life and times of noted Black, disabled, and feminist AIDS video activist, Juanita M. Szczepanski.